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All about our Program

We have created programs that will help people in various areas of life. Good should be distributed in all areas of life!

Fighting poverty by improving health

We know for any other thing to be achieved one must be healthy and so our programs focus on health care as primordial and then we carry out a community-based livelihood, education, and Agricultural programs.


The most common health issues are physical inactivity and food, obesity, tobacco, substance abuse, AIDS, mental health, falling and injury, environmental quality, immunization, and healthcare access. These all-personal health issues require attention to improve the quality of life and keep you free from diseases


Education is the process that facilitates learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, habits, and personal development. It can significantly alter a person’s life and positively affect society. While the value of education cannot be disputed, it is a painful fact that the poor people in the community do not have access to it.

Many poor children need equal access to education. A child’s future and general health are affected when they are unable to acquire quality education. A child’s risk of being deceived by antisocial influences and becoming a threat to society is high. The child will thrive on leading a better life if they have an education, which will ensure they build hope for the future

Investing in Education


Sharing is one of the important virtues that bring happiness into our lives. Not only does sharing bring us joy, but it also teaches us the importance of taking care of others. Sharing does not mean that we require materialistic things to give to other people that make them happy. The kids make us realize that happiness is not just having luxuries, expensive games, or fancy clothing. It is making someone else happy through selfless contributions and sharing joys and sorrows with others


We are not aware of the extent of happiness that a kid receives by just having fun with outsiders, but our time is the greatest gift to them and we should all take a pledge to visit them more often.

The Joy of Life


Medical outreach in Nsongwa village (Quality Health For All)

Recent update

We visited Nsongwa, a remote village in the North West Region where we were welcomed by over 200 locals. These locals were consulted, and tested and medications were administered at no cost by our medical team. 

Medical outreach in LUC Menorah Rehabilitation Foundation

December 2023

We visited Nsongwa, a remote village in the North West Region where we were welcomed by over 200 locals. These locals were consulted, and tested and medications were administered at no cost by our medical team. 

Medical outreach in Nsongwa village

May 2023

Fighting Advances in Agriculture

MJL Foundation is committed to providing a sustainable food source for disadvantaged children that is highly nutritious and eco-conscious. Because of their nutritional composition, minimal resource requirements, accessibility, simple rearing techniques, and quick growth rates insects can offer an economical, efficient, and environmentally sound opportunity to counter nutritional insecurity.


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Running Social Value Programs

Volunteer Now

On Thursday, we visited the good shepherd home orphanage where we met 40 children. We did consultation, counseling, and some basic laboratory test.

A trip to the Good Shepherd home Orphanage

September 2022

Health campaign activities at the sop village where we met 76 locals both elderly and children. We had a health presentation on noncommunicable diseases like Hypertension and diabetes. We carried out consultations, laboratory tests, and treatment.

Health Campaign in Sop village

Thursday September 1st, 2022

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