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All about our organization


Dr. Akwa Gilbert is a medical doctor and is passionate about the poor and the needy. His story is a beautiful one because he started from below and has accomplished many things. “Everything I have accomplished so far is thanks to my mother of blessed Memory Rev. Sr. Jane Mankaa, a woman who dedicated her life to serving orphans and vulnerable children through education, Health, and agriculture. She taught me (Dr. Gilbert) to have a vision and dream to reach out to the poor and needy, particularly to orphans and vulnerable children.

Mother Jane never failed to remind me constantly that I was picked from the street and constantly encouraged me to take care of the poor and needy in my later life. I am eternally grateful to mother Jane who has taken up this legacy and I have decided to continue in her footsteps”.

Dr. Akwa Gilbert Mua

We engage in meaningful actions that leave no one behind in ensuring children (boys and girls) as well as their parents meet their health needs.


About our work

We accompany each project and allocate funds according to needs. Each contribution will be spent for its intended purpose.

Health Assistance


Psychosocial support/counseling


Economic Empowerment

Do it for humanity. Join us


Financial Director

Rev. Chenwi Claudine

Media Personnel

Engr. Nsom Emmanuel

Field Agent

Aben Cistus Tita

Media Personnel

Fon Blaise Fru

Dr. Ateh Cavour

Field Agent

Program Coordinator

Dr. Evert Foyenka

Dr. Akwa Gilbert Mua

Executive Director

Running Social Value Programs

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